Wednesday 6 January 2016

Catch Fire: The Distance I Am From You

Artist: Catch Fire
Title: The Distance I Am From You
Format Reviewed: MP3
Format Released: 5th February 2016
Reviewed By: Lee Morton

Now I'm not usually a big fan of pop-punk, preferring my punk with a little more edge but wow, this debut EP from Catch Fire may just have changed my mind. I've been sitting on this EP for a few weeks now as I know that once I'd done my review then I'd be given something else to review which would mean I would't be able to listen to this on constant rotation. It's that good.

Opening up with Introspective Pt I it's immediately clear this is a band that know their way around a melody and also have a way with lyrics that really draw you in to the song. OK, writing about lost love may not be the hardest thing in the world: we've all been there and have the scars so it's easy to identify with but when they deliver lines like "fuck you, fuck him, fuck everything you did with our time" and have you singing along within just a couple of listens, then it's job more than well done.

The lyrical theme of disastrous relationships carries on through the whole EP. Perhaps like Taylor Swift, lead singer Miles Kent needs to have his heart broken to write music, and new single Bad Behaviour is no exception. This is an energetic, up-tempo, absolute banger of a tune with a catchy chorus and even a couple of heavier breakdowns. This is definitely going to be a live favourite.

Anaesthetic follows and flies out of the blocks, drums right to the fore but it's the clever lyrics that raise this song above generic pop-punk. The gentle, emo-ish bridge in the middle is a highlight, especially with the line "Tell me I'm pathetic, but you're anaesthetic, would you feel it anyway?" fading out as the song ends.

This short four-track EP finishes with Introspective Pt II and gives singer Miles a chance to shine, with his voice very much the focal point of the song. The guitars and drums are really downplayed on this track which underpins the emotion beautifully.

Schedule for release on the 5th February, with plenty of live shows to be announced, now is the time for Catch Fire to blow up (pun intended) so catch them at the small shows whilst you can.

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